After Friday’s mental drain I had to go to school to finish up some stuff and ensure everything was mostly in order if I don’t go back for maternity leave after this break… whenever that may be? So I spent the morning grading, sorting, cleaning, organizing, and getting ready for someone else to take over if needed. Done. Done. And done! Probably need to work on sharing some lessons I talked to the sub about but otherwise I think I’m done at school if needed. Big huge check mark on all that!
Then home for lunch and toss bedding in the wash. Pup and I went for a walk. While walking I thought about how sometimes I feel stupid walking with an empty stroller… seems weird. But then I look down at Sunshine who is walking so gently next to me and am thankful she’s gaining this skill while I don’t have a baby to worry about too. She really is a great dog and I’m sure she is going to only get better with age.
After our walk and switching bedding in the wash it was time to head out to the side hustle of test prep class. We decided to give students copies of everything and call this our last meeting. Since we all have wide open schedules now and some parents are concerned about meeting up we are transitioning to one on one online sessions. The kids are actually getting a better deal out of this all so they don’t mind and the parents are glad to not have to send their kid to a group meeting.
I came home and checked on the mattress cover in the dryer and found it was caught between a fin and the lint trap area. That seemed like a weird fluke so I pulled it out, fluffed it, tossed it back in, and started the cycle again. It ran for awhile and then was done. I went to put it on the bed and saw it was jammed in a similar situation again and still wasn’t dry. But this time the water proofing had been damaged in multiple places!
Where it was wedged. Holes More holes
We had a whole situation getting the washer and dryer. We spent good money on these things. Then the dryer decides to damage the mattress protector? The thing that provides the warranty on our mattress? The thing we also spent good money on? The mattress that we spent enough money on that we don’t want to have to buy a new one until our kids go off to college? Ugh!!! I emailed the dryer company and read up on the mattress cover. I have to call the cover company tomorrow to ask about their warranty. Using an old, water proof cover for now but with our luck my water will break when I’m in bed just because of all of this.
So of course we are both tired, hubby is upset that I washed the mattress protector and put it in the dryer. I FOLLOWED THE DIRECTIONS. I’m upset that I’m supposed to have this super fancy washer and dryer and I can’t do basic laundry?! Also, we picked out this particular set for the sanitize function that it has. This is supposed to help with diapers and such. But most of the diapers we have and I’m reading up on say don’t use extreme heat. Guess what the sanitize function uses to sanitize? Yep… so I tried it with just the inserts and flat diapers the other day and they turned out ok. But still a concern.
Hopefully tomorrow can be better and more relaxing. Hubby is working from home. I’m done working until who knows when or I have a kid. I have the day to myself and it is just me and the pup. Hubby is supposed to be isolated in the office to work. I have a chiropractor appointment and a baby quilt to work on. Plus the blog.