I just had to look at a calendar to see what day it is… (9 days left)

I’m not sure what is going on in the world anymore or what day it is. It is one of those times where you say you’ll get something done but then there’s always tomorrow so why not relax a little more? But then the days blend together and next thing you know it has been like a week since I updated my blog?! So here it is… most of what I can remember…

Last Monday I went to school to finish off the last of the grades for the quarter. To prepare for my sub to come in at any moment if necessary. I managed to get everything taken care of, pack up my personal stuff that I’d be sad if it disappeared (since my desk is not anyplace private or protected) and then headed home. Monday evening was our last day of face to face SAT test prep class. One student was already FaceTiming in to avoid gathering in person. We managed to give the students the rest of the materials they needed so from here one we can one on one with students digitally. You know, just in case…

Tuesday I had a chiropractor appointment which helped loosen up my hips! Anyone preggo needs a chiropractor. After that I stopped by the grocery store to look for eggs. We have plenty of food but no eggs. I had SIX DOZEN in the fridge and had just finished them when everyone started to stockpile the most random items. So now nobody has eggs in stock. But walking around the store I could feel more pressure on my pubic bone so I think the chiropractor helped loosen things up enough for the kid to start to drop more. I also spent a lot of time working around the house and on the baby quilt. My one-on-one scheduled tutoring had to reschedule.

Wednesday I think was when things started to get interesting? It seems to just slowly have shifted from two weeks off school, one being Spring Break, to not going back until April 17th and starting digital on April 1st. Nobody really knows what is going on with school at this point. Some schools across the country are out for the year. Some are doing all digital. There are so many who started out with great daily schedules and have now just given in to chaos. I think I’ve given into the chaos a little. Forget dishes, they’ll be there this evening… or tomorrow morning… or yeah…

Actually, dishes have been getting done frequently, it is the laundry that is a slippery slope!

I quilted a lot and ran back to the quilt store to get more fabric but they only had one thing I needed so I had to order the other stuff and am waiting for it to come in.

Wednesday was also my 38 week appointment. Everything is still fine and going well. The midwife asked if I wanted my cervix checked and I asked what the purpose would be… I haven’t noticed any changes except the day before the kid sitting a little lower. She said that IF my cervix was open they could try to sweep my membranes. That could accomplish one of three things: one being absolutely nothing, two is cramping all day and nothing else, and the third would be sending me into labor. But if my cervix wasn’t open at all they wouldn’t be able to do that so… nothing. I opted out and will think about it for my next appointment.

Thursday morning hubby was at “work” in the office. He has been working from home this past week and is set to keep working from home for a bit. He was actually checking Facebook and saw that orders for our usual produce boxes had been closed for the week. Although we have enough food we discussed having fresh fruits and veg is important at this point and might be harder to get in the next few days/weeks. So I called, jumped in the car, and went to pick up a box. Then we ended up with so many fruits and veg that it is hard to fit it all into the fridge. So we sorted out what we want to freeze and how so some of it can be saved longer than it will last in the fridge. Plus asparagus for four weeks in a row is a little much…

Then I tutored one-on-one and enjoyed quilting for part of the day. Then we worked on cooking and other things around the house. It snowed most of the day. After tutoring the rainy morning went to horizontal snow. Sunshine did not get her walk on Thursday because it was so windy and cold and snowy. So we all just enjoyed time inside.

Friday the hubby was off work and we spent time together. I forgot it was trash day until he woke up and asked if I had taken it out to the curb. As he said it I heard the trash truck outside. Oops. We usually have one bag of trash and then just dog poop to put in the trash can so missing a week isn’t a huge deal. Sometimes it is nice to get time together and Friday was a day where I think we did just that. Again, days blend together…

Saturday we decided to go on an egg hunt. When you’re pregnant eating protein helps keep you from eating everything in the house. Eggs are a great breakfast item that helps with that. Plus they are great in pancakes, waffles, cookies, etc. You know, all the things I have time to bake right now and no eggs to use in them? So we have been doing egg alternatives. I used a tablespoon of oil and two tablespoons of water in the cookies to help with the moisture but for the pancakes I used potato starch and water to work as a binder. But as far as eating eggs for breakfast you can’t substitute eggs!

So we decided to head to a smaller town to the store to get eggs (on sale for $0.79 a dozen!), some chicken breast, and some ground beef. We had our list and goals. When we arrived the eggs were completely gone! There was a sign that they would not be offering the amazing egg deal and there was a limit of one dozen per family. I would have been satisfied with one dozen… We asked a deli lady about the meat but they were out of all the boneless chicken and were working on getting hamburger out. The hamburger was packaged in 1-2 lb packs so they were more expensive than the 3lb packs that were on sale. We decided against buying any meat just because we do have some and were just going to save our freezer stash for later if it was a good deal. Not a good deal so we left with milk, cereal (on sale too), some granola bars, and a few other random sale items.

On the way home we stopped at a discount grocery store where they have expired foods they have frozen before the freeze/sale by dates or just excess foods. The things that they expire but don’t really expire that quickly? That kind of stuff. So we checked there for hamburger (wasn’t a better deal than full price at the other store) and whatever else they had. We ended up with a bunch of gluten free baking mixes that were less than half of what they are usually and don’t even expire till 2021! Plus a few other things. Looks like we will be eating leftovers, veggies, and meat out of the freezer.

Then Saturday was spent napping, doing some laundry, and baking cookies!

Sunday we both woke up not feeling great. I had cleaned out the humidifier and ran it Saturday night because I’ve just felt so dry. Being pregnant and then not drinking enough the last few days made my sinuses so dry and I just wake up miserable. But, I don’t think I cleaned it well enough and it had been sitting awhile with water in it. I woke up feeling horrible with my ears starting to hurt from pressure. Hubby woke up with a slight fever and similar symptoms. I joke that if I see someone sneeze he gets a fever but in reality he does have a weakened immune system and catches everything so easily and me being around kids all the time usually bring him home all the germs. So he has learned to not fight the no covers, get in the bath tub, and take some tylenol. We both spent most of Sunday sleeping or lounging on the couch. It was a long day of just feeling exhausted.

It also got me thinking about all the symptoms of the virus going around and all of them are also pregnancy symptoms at this point except having a fever. So…. yeah… I think after he got a fever we are just going to stay even more isolated. If he is battling something we don’t need to introduce even more for him to battle. College Roomie wanted to get together but to be honest I’m just too lazy at this point. 38 weeks preggo and I don’t really feel like going out and then to be battling some sort of illness at the same time? Yeah, we stayed on the couch most of the day.

I didn’t sleep well at all. I tossed and turned all night. I’m not sure what was going on but I couldn’t get comfortable and would get so hot and then chilled. It was rough.

Today is Monday and I figured I would wake up and get my day going. I woke up super early and after Sunshine decided she needed to go to the bathroom I decided to get in the shower. That’s when I realized that I don’t remember the last time I washed my hair. I don’t wash my hair very frequently already but I couldn’t remember the last time I did. So… shower and wash the hair! Then I crawled back in bed.

I don’t know if things are changing with the kid and pregnancy but my belly has been tighter and I’ve been struggling to sleep. So…. we will see!

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