17 Days Left

16 days left and I am finally ready to face the world again. Friday was so mentally draining it wasn’t until Saturday afternoon I could actually process information again and probably not until Sunday afternoon that I physically was feeling whole again. I didn’t do a lot this weekend, writing posts included.

Thursday I wrote the post about not handling everything well with so many unknowns. Friday things became known and unknown all at the same time.

I learned my lesson over the last few years that work and home should remain separate to an extent. Being a teacher all of the things for school can take over your life at home so unless I’m working on plans or something, I don’t check my school email at home. So when I arrived to school on Friday and a coworker asked my thoughts on not having school for an extra week I was a little surprised. (Also as a newer teacher she needs to learn not to check her email… especially at 9:30pm when they sent it out…)

Our first discussion was what to do about the tests scheduled for Tuesday?! In three of my five classes I scheduled tests for Tuesday. This would give me time to grade them, kids to do a retake, and then I could get all grades finalized and done before break incase I end up on maternity leave. Ending the unit seemed like a great place to transition to a sub. Now kids will do a test after at least a 2 week break?! Ugh… that’s going to be awesome…

I got to my desk and remembered my long term sub was filling in for someone else and was there to talk with me! I like this lady. My kids will be in good hands. But she is also a ball of energy that my brain was NOT ready to handle. Kids were gone, it was a review day, nobody wanted to review because who knows when the test will be, nobody really wants to think about school, and as teachers we were all mentally exhausted. Then this wonderful ball of energy comes in and probably thinks I’m a horrible teacher because I’m just doing all I can to function.

By the end of Friday I was burnt out. I’m not even sure what that evening looked like. I just know I survived till bedtime.

Saturday was spent trying to sleep in but I couldn’t sleep. So I woke up, showered, and got ready for the day. We went to pick up our box of produce and then I think the pup and I snuggled in bed for awhile? My brain really wasn’t functioning at any sort of normal level so I don’t remember much. I walked the dog at some point and it wasn’t until after falling asleep (sitting up which is hard for me usually) watching tv in the afternoon that I finally felt more like a human than a zombie!

Saturday night was a rough night, I guess… I woke up Sunday and think all the stress had hit me physically. I was exhausted and sore. I went and laid in a recliner spot on the couch and slept a little more but overall I just felt like I had been hit by a bus. The morning was spent relaxing because not much else could be done. Hubby accomplished a lot but I just couldn’t.

Eventually I came around and decided to get out the car seat from my sis to install it… yep, it is expired… I checked it and I could have sworn that it wasn’t! But alas, it is. So we decided to venture out to look for one and get some groceries.

It should probably be noted here for when our kid decides to read all this that the whole world seems to be in the middle of FREAKING OUT! So much so that I have either avoided social media or I scroll really quick because I just can’t deal with the panic and so many lies about what’s actually happening. And then the honest stories about people hoarding so many items. So venturing out into the world, to SHOP, is kind of a big deal….

Car seats at one store are slim pickings. They just don’t have a selection. We weren’t impressed. Next store was EXPENSIVE. Love this kid I’m making right now and don’t want to go cheap on safety but also don’t want to bankrupt ourselves on a car seat they’ll grow out of so quickly. I’d like an infant seat with base at least through the Colorado winter so we can safely buckle the kid in, bundle them up warm, then put them in the car. After that I’m ok with the all in one, grow with them forever kind of seat. I’ll spend the hundreds of dollars on a super car seat that does it all! Right now, maybe not so much…

So we decided online shopping it would be and if I pop a kid out before it arrives the expired seat would at least get us home. Not ideal but ya do what ya gotta do. We did order a seat after dinner and didn’t procrastinate. It should be here in a week-ish.

Then we went to Target and the grocery store. It is disheartening to see what people are doing to store supplies. Hubby asked at one point over the weekend about our food supplies and if we were good or not. We are. We always have a small food stock (because blizzards?!) and since prepping for the kid to arrive we have been freezing some meals and such. Plus we just went and got another produce box to add to all the stuff we haven’t finished yet! We are fine if needed but needed mustard, some eggs, yogurt, just usual weekly stuff. We managed to make it out of the store with all we needed (except eggs) and even a little extra. (Well, ice cream can be debated if it was necessary or extra…)

Overall I survived the weekend and after dinner checked to see if I was called in for jury interviews (at least no sub plans or anything would be needed this week!) and discovered I was officially excused! Yay!!!! Huge relief! Now I feel like I can slowly work into the “enjoy two weeks off before baby” stage of this whole fiasco.

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