How to Survive a Pandemic

Any ideas?

We are just rolling with it. Each new day brings new challenges. Somedays I think I should be documenting everything and way in the future could publish it…

You know, maybe like a journal or even a digital place where I can record my thoughts and experiences to share them with others. If only I had such a place… or the time.

Mostly now it is the time piece of things.

I decided the other day that 2020 is like a snow globe. It goes awhile without anything happening. Day to day is the same. Can’t go anywhere. Can’t do anything. And then everything is shaken up!

This week’s shake up? Learning how to manage working full time and have a six month old at home. Daycare had their youngest daughter’s teacher test positive for COVID-19. My parents just came through to visit and that was enough of a risk for us, so we are opting to keep Little Man home for at least this week. Then we will re-evaluate things for if we are comfortable sending him the following week.

Do you know how difficult it is to get anything done?! Little Man spent a lot of time with Dad today because I was trying to wrap up the last day of the quarter with students. That means I actually have to get work done. Little Man enjoys helping me type and grabbing every pen on my desk. The mouse looks interesting too! I set up the pack-n-play in my craft/office area and he still wasn’t satisfied. Must be on my lap, wriggling, and trying to be as helpful as he possibly can.

I love my kid but, ugh!

So, everything that already takes time is taking even more time. That also means that Hubby is grumpy. He managed to get a lot of laundry and such done but doesn’t make him any less grumpy.

Everything makes me want to just send the kiddo back to daycare. It can’t be that bad, can it?

Well, got to have THAT conversation with my mom when they came to visit. She seems to be over the pandemic and over the idea of keeping others safe. Mom stated at one point something to the effect that we just need to move on and not let it control our lives. Eventually we will have more immunity to it like we do everything else and it will all fade away, just like the last pandemics. That would mean a lot of people would also die in the process but she says she understands this. I looked at her and flat out asked if she realized that’s my husband she is talking about.

We are home and cautious because of underlying health issues with my husband. Little Man may or may not have inherited the same things we just aren’t sure yet. Based on what the current information shows, Hubby would probably not have a very high quality of life IF he were to survive getting sick. I may not like him every day but I’m also not ready to get rid of him so we are cautious.

But my mom doesn’t seem to connect the two? If she does then she seems fine that I would suddenly become a single mother. Or even just single with the mother duties removed because both of them aren’t able to survive it. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt that she doesn’t connect the two in her mind.

So, here we are surviving a week of working from home with a six month old. Two more days to go.

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