4am is my Favorite Time of Day: Exclusively Pumping Emotions

My favorite time of day is 4am.

I’ve always been a morning person and although it can be difficult to wake up so early with such little sleep, it is my favorite. Little Man wakes me up around 4:00 or 4:30 and it is the one time of day he consistently decides nursing is ok. He stares at me with his big blue eyes and we just get to have a moment in the peace and quiet of the house. Around 5:00 the dog needs out, Hubby starts getting ready for work, and the world begins to stir. But 4:00 is our peaceful time and I will often just hold the Little Man for a bit and enjoy his cuteness. Sometimes it is 6:00 before I put him down to pump because he is just so peaceful and cute.

I then have my most productive pump of the day! Noting makes me feel like I can do this more than pumping 9oz in one sitting. When I look down and realize a bigger collection bottle might be needed soon, I get excited because just a few weeks ago I was still having to supplement with formula. My supply is increasing, I’ve started a stash, and I’ve got this!

Our mornings are productive. Little Man has “Happy Hour” where I get to just talk with him and he is just the happiest baby. It usually ends with a quick snuggle to get him to sleep and if I catch him at just the right moment no fussing happens. I get a shower. I get dressed. The day is going to be great!

We go on an adventure! After pumping a decent amount at 8:00 we get out of the house. It could be the dog park for Sunshine to play while we walk. It could be a trip around the neighborhood. It could be a quick trip to the store. The important part is we get off the couch and out of the house. Life is good.

After our adventure it is swing time. Little Man likes to fall asleep for his 11:00 nap in the swing. No holding required and in fact is not tolerated at this point. So, I sit on the floor in front of him and pump. We might read a story or just converse, but he enjoys his swing and I pump the lowest pump of the day.

It is ok though! I know my early morning pump was a big one and I usually get just about 3oz, enough for one feeding so we are doing alright! Lunch time for me.

Afternoon I start to drag. Waking up so early has started to catch up with me. So around when Little Man falls asleep for his afternoon nap, I pump. Then I usually join him in napping. His afternoon naps are solid naps! Sometimes he wakes up briefly to eat and fall back asleep. He will sleep for a few hours… and so will I. Then I don’t really want to pump.

We wake up and he needs fed and then wants to talk and play. I don’t really want to put him down and pump. I’m over being hooked to a machine. I have things I want and need to do if I’m going to put him down. But, I pump anyway.

Hubby comes home from work and now I can really get things done! I can get off the couch and make dinner! I can do things! Anything! So up I get and off I go! Clean off the counter. Start making dinner. Get some laundry done. Go to the bathroom. Start to… just kidding… time’s up! It is time to pump again.

But first Little Man is getting sleepy and doesn’t want dad to put him down for another nap. So quick, spend a half hour getting him to sleep. Then enjoy cold dinner while pumping… glad I got the time to enjoy cooking it so it can be eaten cold.

Maybe I can get more done? If I try to start something else, Little Man wakes up. If I wait for him to wake up, he sleeps forever. So… pretty much flip a coin. Relax or be productive?

Be productive? Ok! Start a productive activity and then kiddo is awake. Change his diaper. Get him settled. Time to pump again! Ugh!

Or relax a little bit? Pick a show. Hang with Hubby. Almost time to pump, I’ll get ready. Never mind, Little Man needs his diaper changed and he’s fussy.

It’s 7:00. Time to start the bedtime routine. Did I get my pump in? Did he wake up too soon? Darn it! Ugh. I really don’t want to pump. I’m done. I’m over it! Can I quit yet?!

Ok, bath and bedtime routine is done. Little Man is sleeping. He’s so cute!!! I could just snuggle him forever but he’s asleep for a while so let’s go to bed! I’m exhausted.

Nope… need to pump.

Then I need to bag up the excess milk and freeze it.

Filled a gallon bag? Need to put that downstairs.

Diapers need to be put in the wash.

Yesterday’s diapers need to be taken out of the dryer and put away.

Crap… I forgot to switch laundry I started earlier so our clothes need to be put in the dryer and some things need to be hung up.

Done. Now I need to ensure I have everything I need for diapers for night time changes. Check.

Now can I go to bed?

Wait, did I do my physical therapy exercises? Nope, I’ll do those after I brush my teeth and am ready for bed. Hope I got a shower in the morning or that’s even more to do before bed.

Now I can go to bed! I’ll be up in another two or three hours. Either Little Man will wake me up to eat or my alarm will let me know it is time to pump. The house is quiet and I get bored.

Then comes 4am and it starts all over again. But man is he cute… and those big blue eyes of his?! They’ll make your heart melt. When his tiny fingers hold your hand as he nurses you remember why you’re doing all of this and even though pumping is annoying it is worth it to make sure he is happy and healthy.


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