About Me

Personal Life

Wedding Nov 2017
Photo credit: @amandashultzphotography
Young Sunshine

After 29 years of waiting to find the right guy, I married my husband in the fall of 2017. I moved from the townhouse I proudly purchased and fixed up myself to his house an hour away. That means I commuted to work for two years, used public transportation and a lot of mental health days, before switching jobs to be closer to home. The end of March 2019 we decided to adopt our first puppy as a couple and Sunshine joined our family. Then, in July of 2019 we found out we are again expecting our first child. Every time I think I am getting settled, life tosses in a new adventure or I seem to find one. I’m hoping I can help others by blogging about all the randomness that is life or at least provide a little comic relief for my readers.

Professional Life

Once upon a time (many actually) I was told I would be a great teacher. I swore I would never teach, especially high school. Those kids are crazy! After a few years working in the non-traditional field (aka: girl in a normally boy field) of drafting/engineering I decided maybe teaching was not such a bad idea? Two degrees later I have a year of substitute teaching, a year of being THE high school science department, seven years of middle school experience, and am back to loving my job working with those crazy high school students. I love teaching, but some days I really hate being a teacher. Everything that goes with it can be frustrating but working with students is my favorite. At the end of the day, the kids keep me going and make it worth it.